The First Solar Eclipse Of The Year Is Bringing Major Changes

We’re in the thick of eclipse season, and the next one comes to us in the form of the June 2021 new moon that rises at 6:53am ET on June 10. New moon eclipses are an astrological phenomenon known for bringing sudden new beginnings and unexpected news. This annular solar eclipse also puts on a rare and dazzling show in the eastern sky, as the sun will form a glowing “ring of fire” around the moon (yes, special solar eclipse eyewear is required!). This powerful lunar reset is heralding some major changes and opportunities into our lives, so you’ll want to know how the June 2021 new moon eclipse will affect your zodiac sign.
June’s solar eclipse is the first of the year (not to be confused with the lunar eclipse that occurred during May’s full moon), and it’s here to get us thinking about things in a new way. The sun and moon align in quick-thinking air sign Gemini — putting an emphasis on the way we think, communicate, and interact with the world around us. However, Mercury retrograde in Gemini is also aligning with the eclipse point, clouding our ability to make sense of the changes and feelings that are emerging.
Adding to the confusion is a tense square aspect between the eclipse and dreamy planet Neptune, which ups the likelihood of being deceived by our emotions or generally having the wool pulled over our eyes. Instead of treating this lunation like a regular new moon and moving forward on new things, try to stay still and process whatever new information, opportunities, or changes are being presented to you. The time will come for you to float off into the future of possibilities, but for now, it’s better to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.

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