Top Laravel Interview Questions & Answers for experienced
Following are frequently asked Laravel and PHP related interview questions for freshers as well as experienced candidates to get the right job.
1) What is Laravel?
Laravel is an open-source widely used PHP framework. The platform was intended for the development of web application by using MVC architectural pattern. Laravel is released under the MIT license.
Therefore, its source code is hosted on GitHub. It is a reliable PHP framework as it follows expressive and accurate language rules.
2) Define composer.
It is an application-level package manager for PHP. It provides a standard format for managing PHP software dependencies and libraries.
3) What is HTTP middleware?
HTTP middleware is a technique for filtering HTTP requests. Laravel includes a middleware that checks whether application user is authenticated or not.
4) Name aggregates methods of query builder.
Aggregates methods of query builder are: 1) max(), 2) min(), 3) sum(), 4) avg(), and 5) count().
5) What is a Route?
A route is basically an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It acts as a pointer in Laravel application.
Most commonly, a route simply points to a method on a controller and also dictates which HTTP methods are able to hit that URI.
6) Why use Route?
Routes are stored inside files under the /routes folder inside the project’s root directory. By default, there are a few different files corresponding to the different “sides” of the application (“sides” comes from the hexagonal architecture methodology).
7) What do you mean by bundles?
In Laravel, bundles are referred to as packages. These packages are used to increase the functionality of Laravel. A package can have views, configuration, migrations, routes, and tasks.
8) Explain important directories used in a common Laravel application.
Directories used in a common Laravel application are:
App/: This is a source folder where our application code lives. All controllers, policies, and models are inside this folder.
Config/: Holds the app’s configuration files. These are usually not modified directly but instead, rely on the values set up in the .env (environment) file at the root of the app.
Database/: Houses the database files, including migrations, seeds, and test factories.
Public/: Publicly accessible folder holding compiled assets and of course an index.php file.
9) What is a Controller?
A controller is the “C” in the “MVC” (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which is what Laravel is based on.
10) Explain reverse routing in Laravel.
Reverse routing is a method of generating URL based on symbol or name. It makes your Laravel application flexible.