Julie Demboski’s ASTROLOGY
Today is not about blazing new trails, it’s about refining, even perfecting, those power positions we already hold. In the best version of these influences, we adjust expression of our status or role to better fit our ideal of it, and this includes the task of freeing ourselves, at least a little, from past choices, as well as challenging our sense of Self and purpose to live up to its most original and unique qualities (rather than to shun those very same qualities in an attempt to find greater acceptance). A failure to see how and where our current position can be improved may lead to denial of our own ability to affect things, which only tempts us to return to outmoded ways of choosing and acting, and encourages us to reject those most wild and innovative parts of ourselves.(Neptune qnx Juno, Mars qnx SN, Sun sq Uranus)The table’s all set for a Happy Birthday. ‘Open Door on a Garden’ By Konstantin Somov 1934 {{PD}}For those born with the Sun at 06 Leo. Check your natal chart for the correct Sun degree (you may want to read both the degree number and the one that follows, if you have minutes on your Sun position–together these offer a more complete picture of your year ahead). Dear Leo, today, right through the solar year to your next birthday, may feel like one great big test of your power and status–and it is. You need to know where you stand, and so to rid yourself of illusions concerning where you’re going. What you think you’re in line for may not be yours at all–and that’s the most important thing you can discover right now. That will then help you see and appreciate some of your more unique and original qualities and abilities, and perhaps in incorporating these into the everyday psyche you open the door to some opportunities only you could take advantage of. Played well, you’ll reach your next birthday facing some exciting choices that hold potential to take you farther than you ever anticipated. Now that sounds fun, doesn’t it? Good luck!Today’s word image is something from a dream I had last night: someone was trying to persuade me to leave behind a big box of books that I wanted to take with me. Pretty obviously, books to me are knowledge, other worlds, potentials, all to be explored, and as a symbol we might ask ourselves, who’s trying to persuade us not to know, discover, or explore something, specifically because we would be equipped in a way they don’t want us to be? Just something to ponder, in case someone is asking you to ‘remain ignorant’ on some level.