JRF Mechanical Engg. Jobs in Jabalpur – IIITDM Jabalpur

IIITDM Jabalpur – Job Details
Interested candidates are invited for a walk-in test/interview for a position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on a DST-SERB funded research project titled “Development of multi-operational microwave heating set up for the near net shape material processing”.
Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF Mechanical Engg. )/Number of Posts: 01
Duration: The position is purely temporary initially for one year and renewable each year subject to satisfactory performance up to for a maximum of two years or completion of the project, whichever is earlier.
Salary: Rs. 31,000/- (Fellowship), Plus HRA of 16% of the fellowship amount (Rs. 4,960/-) (subjected to approval from DST(pending) and not guaranteed at this point of time) per month or Hostel if available, as per norms.
Essential Qualifications: ME/M.Tech Degree in Mechanical Engineering/Material Science or any other domain related to the Project. Candidates having good academic and research background and GATE score will be given preference. Candidates with Ph.D. (either in Science/Engineering) in related fields will be given preference subjected to satisfactory performance in the interview.
Age limit: Preferably below 30 years as on the date on interview. Age relaxation is applicable for women candidates.
Desirables: Good knowledge of Materials Chemistry, Material Processing, and Characterization, Experimental and Analytical Study, etc.
Job Summary:-
Job Type: Full Time
Job Role: Research/JRF/SRF
Job Category: Others
Hiring Process: Face to Face Interview
Who can apply: Freshers
About IIITDM Jabalpur:-
Probably at no previous moment in world history have commerce and industry become so complex, extensive, and globally interrelated as they are today. India, which is going through rapid growth in its manufacturing sector, is not unaffected by these changes.

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